Saturday, November 27, 2010
It's TONIGHT! @ 12:13:00 PM
Tonight is the night we have been waiting for!
What should you pack in your bag?
1. A bottle of water.
2. Personal medications and adhesive bandage.
3. Insect/Mosquito repellent (optional).
4. Extra attire; top or/and bottom (optional).
5. Light snacks (optional).
P.S: Short-sleeve T-shirt will be given to participants to wear during the night cycle
& light refreshment is provided, but still, please have a proper meal for dinner before reporting to the mosque.
What time should you report?
8.20pm (approximately after isya' prayers)
Where should you report?
Level 1, Almukminin Auditorium.
And lastly. . .
Do where shoes & attire that are comfortable for the long journey.
-See you tonight, insyaAllah-